Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Luana - by Russ Manning

I never knew about this strip...was it published? Can it be found in a book? Lovely work by the master Jungle artist responsible for bringing us so many wonderful Tarzan adaptations.


  1. Luana was a European-produced jungle girl movie with the only Eurasian jungle girl I've ever seen.
    Ron Goulart wrote a novelization.
    Estaban Maroto did a comic adaptation that was cover-featured in Vamiprella V1 #31.
    And the cover for that issue (and the Goulart novelization) was the American poster art by...deep breath...Frank Frazetta!
    (In fact, Frazetta did TWO different posters for the film.
    You can see them here...
    http://wrongsideoftheart.com/2010/02/luana-luana-la-figlia-delle-foresta-vergine-1968-italy-germany/ )
    The movie's available on a HTF DVD.

  2. Thanks Britt...but I know who Luana is and am familiar with the Frazetta and Maroto works...this strip is what I was unaware of until recently

  3. Lovely stuff. It looks like the comic strip equivalent of the sort of trailer filmmakers take to the Cannes film festival to attract finance. A pitch that went nowhere, perhaps?
