Another bondage page art by George Tuska.

My first exposure to SHANNA was in the first issue on the last page of KA-ZAR number 1 -1972 pencils by Paul Reinman...SHANNA is tied up like a sacrificial lamb. Something about that image got the wheels turning in my little 8 year old brain. Leopard print or furs on the athletic figure of a larger than life woman...sigh.
But Shanna was no pushover she regularly gave it as well as she took it and always came out on top.
Why would a guy like a female super hero? Hello? She's hot! I like Wonder Woman too got a problem with it? Plus some of the WW comics I like were done by Ross Andru and Mike ( Mickey Demeo ) Esposito.
A lot of people wonder about the sexual orientation of a guy if he likes a Woman super hero or a female pop star...they question his preference. Well let me tell ya...no questioning my orientation no Sirree! I loves me some women! Always have....I used to get in trouble for biting when I went to strip clubs...the girls would complain. I even got kicked out a few times and had to fight my way out of one club. I bite. lol...I'm married now and do not visit strip clubs anymore ( Besides they're too damned expensive ) I am a good guy and don't do anything my wife does not approve of. It's only honorable.
No I don't bite my wife. But I like to re-enact scenes from KA-ZAR number one with her sometimes!
Back through then 1950's a man named Fred Wertham tried to band comic books...and the comics he pointed out had images of women tied up on the covers..ie if Wonder Woman was tied up...that's a bondage cover. His point was....to tie a woman up is lewd and constitutes a sexual reference.
So nowadays...any comics from the 1940's through today that has somebody be it man or woman...tied up or chained up is a bondage cover. Meaning ( Captured and restrained ) nothing sexual is meant by this phrase. However...there is a percentage of people as you said....that perpetuate Fred's belief's. They use bondage to fulfull certain sexual needs and desires.
I have the more innocent reference in mind. But thanks for stopping in. I run a clean shop...no horseplay ok? Have a good one.
pardon...BAN comics
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