Monday, June 28, 2010

SHANNA and the Frank Cho

There are so many new SHANNA and SHEENA and JUNGLE GIRL pieces everyday it's pretty hard to chose what I'd like to share next.  Some files get lost when I attempt to post them...You know the little flashlight searches and searches but the browser can't find the file.  I had a piece of art ready to go got lost on me.  But while I was searching for it again I found this.  You gotta love CHO  he really has a wonderful grasp on what makes a nice composition and his command of the female figure deserves mentioning dozens of times.  If you can't draw a female posterior ( Rear end or Heinie) don't bother trying.
Take a look @ Frank Cho's examples of how they should be drawn and then go from there before you try and sell your silly SHANNA heinie drawings on Ebay.  I see dozens of bad depictions and then I see the great ones.  THIS IS A GREAT ONE!!  ( Look at the cubbie,aint he cuuuuute?)

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