Monday, December 7, 2009


Cavewoman Cast

1) Cavewoman (Meriem Cooper): When Meriem was six years old her grandfather rescued her from an abusive mom and escaped in a time machine programmed for the future. Stuff happened, and they ended up in the cretaceous period (the latter half of the age of dinosaurs). Gramp died when Meriem was eight, leaving her stranded right up to the time of Marshville's arrival when she was nineteen.

2) Bruce Kabbit: A smoking, swearing, live-for-the moment kind of guy. He was also Meriem's childhood friend (Bruce was eight when Meriem disappears) and is now her adult lover.

3) Gramp (Francis Reicher I):To the town of Marshville, he's a figment of Cavewoman's imagination (which they believe is understandable, considering Meriem's years alone). To Meriem, Gramp is a beloved spirit who actually appears to help her out.

4) Lumpy (Francis Reicher II): Gramp's Grandson. Klutzy and cowardly, though he'll go to any length (including risking his life) to help a loved one. He desperately fears Klyde, and respects and loves Meriem (his cousin) and Will O'Brian (his best friend).

5) Will O'Brian: The coolest Kid on the block. Brave, witty, and smart (although he'll do stupid things like going into the jungle on a dare).

6) Professor Robert Cook: The most enthusiastic paleontologist in the world, past or present. Loves dinosaurs, loves mechanix, loves live, and loves Meriem (but he knows she loves Bruce, so he leaves her alone...a cool guy).

7) Captain Patricia Lavery: Pat's the calm, cool head of Marshville's police (although, if the right buttons are pushed, she can explode).

8) Sgt. Timothy Higgins: Tim is devoted to keeping the peace and pleasing Capt. Lavery (to the point of becoming "pain-in-the-ass-kisser").

9) & 10) Ray & Fay: Raymond J. Forrest is a former L.A. Ram who fell in love with Fay and went into the ice cream business. Faye Creighton Channey is a former hairdresser who fell in love with ray and joined him in the ice cream business. Cool couple, especially Fay. Ray can have a bad temper, though it's never directed towards Fay.

11) The Hermit (Roberto Armstrong): The Hermit is the guy kids tell spooky stories about around the campfire or in the Clubhouse. Believed by some to practice black magic. He's the only guy alive that frightens Sgt. John Marstone (though Marstone'd never admit it).

12) Sgt. John Marstone: lOO% man. Huge ego. Not a sensitive bone in 'im. Self-reliant and self-centered. Believes he's the best cop in the world, and he knows just the right buttons to push to piss off Captain Lavery.

13) Gail Cooper (Meriem's Mom): Thirteen years ago she was very abusive, towards both Meriem and herself. Since then, she's recovered her life, but still yearns for forgiveness from Meriem...and herself.

14) Klyde: Big and strong, intelligent and mean, he's the most dangerous creature to ever walk the planet, next to man. Klyde was formerly the beloved lab animal/assistant of Gramp. Since Gramp's death, Klyde has gone bad. He hates everything except Lumpy Reicher, who Klyde believes is a "little Gramp," and loves him deeply-as much as he loved Gramp (which is bad news for Lumpy and the town of Marshville

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